Resizing deep, sometimes drastic, that will make it more difficult everyday life of many Italian citizens. They are the spending cuts on social services provided by the Budget Law for 2011. From the family to the disabled, from childcare to youth policies, state funding for social welfare policies in 2011 have suffered a steep fall and in some cases were completely cleared. The reduction resources than in the past is evident. In 2008, the ten top funds for welfare activities could count on a total budget of 2 billion and 520 million euro. In the two years following resources have been almost halved, falling to 1 billion and 851 million € in 2009 (-30.5% over the previous year) and 1 billion and 472 million in 2010 (-15%). The penalty proposed in 2011 by Bill and the stability of the State Budget is even more solid in all the social funds will receive just over € 349 million, 86, 1% less than in 2008 . Through these choices, "the government seeks to break away from welfare services, while maintaining strong management of the welfare money, a set of measures, inefficient, which absorb much of the social spending, "says Sergio Pasquinelli, columnist for the site of deepening economic and political, in an article devoted to cuts in social spending .
[The map of minimum wages in Europe, Italy is colored gray]
Here, in detail, the redrawing of envisaged by the 2011 Budget for individual social funds.
national fund for social policies
The reduction is the largest national fund for social policies (Fnps) in some ways the most important foundation of all because it represents the largest source of state funding for assistance to individuals and families. The Fnps, established in 1997, feeds essentially on the financing of the integrated network of local social services: a large share of these resources is divided between the regions, which in turn allocate the municipalities to deliver services to citizens. ; In the State Budget of 2008, the budget was nearly one billion euro (929.3 million euro) net of resources for individual rights (benefits to parents of handicapped, maternity allowances, allowances for families and so on). In two years later, the government has opted for a drastic cut in the first Fnps, providing for 2010 of € 435.3 million. In the budget the same year it was established that the charges relating to individual rights are directly funded by specific items of expenditure of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and not by an allotment of Fnps. In any case, however, the reduction of the Fund Excessive appears both in the year 2010 for the following year. For 2011, it promises a further reduction, since the budget is 75.3 million €, 82, 7% less than last year. This is a substantial break-up of the Fund, because the sum will be just enough to cover certain services made directly by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies and the resources allocated to the regions are in fact zero.
Fund for family policies
Sacrificed on the altar of the cuts is also the foundation for family policies, built in 2006 and aims to support economic initiatives work-life balance, international adoption, loan funds for the new born, the functioning of the National Family and the development of the National Plan for the family. Despite the intention by the Government welfare policies to guide the family, this fund was affected year after year. From € 346.5 million in 2008, received in the past to be halved within two years (€ 186.5 million in 2009 and 185.3 million in 2010) up to 2011, the year in which the Budget State promises to drop to 52.5 million euro, 71, 3% less than in 2010.
Fund for long-term care
In the Budget for 2011, the Fund for long-term care, established in 2007 to provide care services for dependents in performing normal daily functions, is literally empty: the budget is zero euro. In 2007 were EUR 100 million was allocated in 2008 three times (300 million) and in each of the two years following resources had reached 400 million. As stated in a study sponsored by the Ministry of Welfare, in the territory of the Italian people dependents are at least 2.6 million. The substantial elimination of this fund makes it even more scarce resources devoted to these subjects. A decision, this, that makes it even wider gap between Italy and other European Union countries in terms of public expenditure in support of disabled and non-self-sufficiency.
inclusion immigrants Fund - Funds for Children
The dismantling of the Fund for long-term care is in addition to two other categories of resources in recent years have in fact been eliminated. One is the Fund for social inclusion of immigrants, established in 2007, which was to receive a loan of 100 million allocated in the budget of 2008, then abolished by a decree of that year. Since then, there have been more developed plans for further funding in this area. The second fund is fully cleared for the extraordinary plan of action for the development of the territorial system of social and educational services for early childhood. The program, adopted in 2007, involved the construction of new kindergartens. After being funded with € 446 million in 2007-2009, including 100 million in 2009, has not received additional funds. Reduced but not eliminated is also the National Fund for Children and Adolescents was created in 1997 to implement interventions at national and local levels for infants and adolescents. If in the 2008-2009 period could count on resources to € 43.9 million from 2010 funding for these services have been reduced to 40 million and this figure will remain unchanged until 2013.
national fund for supporting access to homes for rent
Another cut is particularly incisive on the National Fund for supporting access to homes for rent, established by law in 1998. The Fund was established with two main purposes: to help people in financial difficulties to pay the fees of the houses for rent and support local authorities who are committed to finding accommodations provide leases for specific periods. In 2008, the "allowance for rents" scored 205, 6 million euro. The following year, however, the resources available are beginning to crumble. In 2009, 161.8 million and EUR 143.8 million in 2010. In 2011 will decline, as stated in the opinion of, "A symbolic amount" of € 33.5 million (- 76.7% compared to 2010). "Young couples and families in crisis - can be read on the site - will almost only in the hope that aid regions and municipalities in order widely dispersed, they decided to keep."
Fund for policies relating to the rights and equal opportunities
in the meat grinder of downsizing is over also the Fund for the policies concerning the rights and equal opportunities. Established in 2006, has seen a gradual reduction of resources allocated. In 2008 he received € 64.4 million in 2009, less than half (30 million) in 2010 about one-tenth the previous year (3.3 million) and from 2011 to 2013 will get resources every year for 2.2 million euro (-96.5% compared to 2008).
Fund for Youth Policy
The ax cuts did not spare even the country's future: young people. This is demonstrated the drastic reduction of the Fund for Youth, established in 2006 with the aim of stimulating cultural projects, professional and integration into social life through. While between 2008 and 2010 appropriations were first lowered and then increased again (137.4 million euro in 2008 79.8 million in 2009 and 94.1 million in 2010), for 2011 funding will be reduced to 32.9 million, 65% less than last year.
National Fund for the civil service of conscientious objectors
An intervention that threatens to penalize an experience for which Italy has long been the lead in European the sharp "scissors" that feed on funding the National Fund for the civil service of conscientious objectors, set up in 1998. Taking into account, as well as other funds, the period starts from the year 2008, the reduction in appropriations is evident. If in 2008 the National Civil Service (SNA) were available public funds amounted to 299.6 million euro and in the next two years funding had been reduced by nearly half (171.4 million in 2009 and 170.3 million in 2010) for 2011 is expected to further reduction: 113 million euro (-33.6% compared to 2010 and -62.3% compared to 2008). The collapse of resources allocated to be paid also the decrease of completed projects, rose from 4,100 in 2006 to 2,154 in 2009. Little is served up for more than half of the volunteers started the civil service (61% of the total) have been used in active service in social work.