Jacob Levi Moreno
Who Shall Survive?
Principles sociometry, group psychotherapy and sociodrama
Pages: 416 - Price: € 24.00
ISBN: 8883231589 - Release Year: 2007
Di Renzo Editore
For the sociometry Moreno, along with psychodrama and psychotherapy Group, is one of the three vertices of a job processing in triadic groups. Unknown to most psychotherapists, the sociometry proposed by Moreno in this text becomes a mathematical study of the psychological characteristics of nations, an experimental technique based on quantitative methods, a science of interpersonal relationships where the ideas of psychoanalytic intersubjectivity studies ahead of Moreno. The role will
in psychodrama for him to penetrate into the unconscious social function and give it form and order, but also to shape the evolution of systems of individual personality in roles that are evolving their references in various media role that controruoli and reports have helped to consolidate.
Jacob Levi Moreno (1889-1974) entered the history of psychology and theater as a pioneer creator of psychodrama and group psychotherapy. He was responsible for the revolutionary idea to consider the individual as a system of social relations and emotional.
Revealing the importance of role-playing, and body image, Moreno has brought the beginning of the century, a therapeutic direction based on doing well on the mean. His innovations have affected the Gestalt therapy, family therapy and the technique of family constellations, and are the basis of psychodrama.
the same author:
spaces of psychodrama (1995) The Prophet
psychodrama (2002) A marriage
to do (2005)
Psicomusica (2006)
The theater of spontaneity (2007)
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