Although now the pdl there is more you point out this interesting initiative on facebook , bodes well for the new year .. Note in the picture below is missing an important detail, can you find out (next year)?
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Bleeding Loss Viginity Clips
307 252 7 161 98 8 i The latest issues of democracy
"Today is a good day for the country - said the minister Gelmini commenting on the vote-because the culture is stored permanently established with the egalitarianism of the false 1968 and began a summer banner accountability and the merit of no wastage, and to parentopoli new cases of barony. "
But how can I ask you, mix in this way that events are not related?
An important ministry such as education (and not only that!) Has been entrusted to incompetent former Miss Lake Garda. We want people prepared for the government, should all spend a Exam!
But how can I ask you, mix in this way that events are not related?
An important ministry such as education (and not only that!) Has been entrusted to incompetent former Miss Lake Garda. We want people prepared for the government, should all spend a Exam!
Meanwhile I make my best wishes for Christmas, adding that sadly we must see the government is deaf to the voices of the Italian people. Napolitano at least I hope not.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Salieri Watch Online Free
Loyalty and invisible approach psychodrama Psychodrama
Invisible loyalties are those that connect people to previous generations, which have remained dormant accounts, often due to traumatic events, and that predispose us without our knowing it to repeat certain scenes familiar and make us less free than we think. Anne Ancelin
Schützenberger, professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Nice, where he directs the Laboratory for over twenty years of social and clinical psychology, spent 50 years of his life to researching this phenomenon and the development of a psychodrama approach note to put an end to this transgenerational karma.
His book "The Ancestor Syndrome" for the types Di Renzo Editore, arrived in Italy in its seventh edition, lists clinical cases that illustrate how her clients have become seemingly irrational fears, psychological or even physical difficulties by discovering and trying to understand the parallels between his life and that of their ancestors. The book is an incredible source of information about applicants' dates, accidents, illnesses and injuries that Schützenberger has collected during his long career as psychodramatist.
The book also explains how to deal with and resolve conflicts, the suffering, the trauma, the situations of incomplete closure and leave behind us the legacy received from our ancestors: the only way we can finally evolve and be truly free to build an authentic life
the same author: •
Anne A. Schützenberger, Psychodrama
• AASchützenberger, G. Devroede, A disease called "parents"
• AASchützenberger, EBJeufroy, Exit-overcome their grief and sadness to learn again to live
• Anne A. Schützenberger, The pleasure of living
• Anne Ancelin Schützenberger - the same necklace Psyche Psycho-genealogy
Also, note: • Evelyne
Bissone Jeufroy
Four daily pleasures, at least! The benefits of pleasure on the body and spirit
Invisible loyalties are those that connect people to previous generations, which have remained dormant accounts, often due to traumatic events, and that predispose us without our knowing it to repeat certain scenes familiar and make us less free than we think. Anne Ancelin
Schützenberger, professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Nice, where he directs the Laboratory for over twenty years of social and clinical psychology, spent 50 years of his life to researching this phenomenon and the development of a psychodrama approach note to put an end to this transgenerational karma.
His book "The Ancestor Syndrome" for the types Di Renzo Editore, arrived in Italy in its seventh edition, lists clinical cases that illustrate how her clients have become seemingly irrational fears, psychological or even physical difficulties by discovering and trying to understand the parallels between his life and that of their ancestors. The book is an incredible source of information about applicants' dates, accidents, illnesses and injuries that Schützenberger has collected during his long career as psychodramatist.
The book also explains how to deal with and resolve conflicts, the suffering, the trauma, the situations of incomplete closure and leave behind us the legacy received from our ancestors: the only way we can finally evolve and be truly free to build an authentic life
the same author: •
Anne A. Schützenberger, Psychodrama
• AASchützenberger, G. Devroede, A disease called "parents"
• AASchützenberger, EBJeufroy, Exit-overcome their grief and sadness to learn again to live
• Anne A. Schützenberger, The pleasure of living
• Anne Ancelin Schützenberger - the same necklace Psyche Psycho-genealogy
Also, note: • Evelyne
Bissone Jeufroy
Four daily pleasures, at least! The benefits of pleasure on the body and spirit
The Country Doctor Handbbook
a result of certain actions of directors, including that of Professor Russo aims to show how the stabilization of being screened, there were a number of very young professionals who were exploited (not following the the course of a career path longer) the Managing Director points out:
Our framework plan dates back to 2007 and since then different dynamics working have been modified so we'll update it, keeping in mind that this will take some time for analysis, approximately two years. The offices will start to deal with this matter as soon as it passed the law to reform the university, which modifies the role of the departments.
Then it's time the former Managing Director Aiello (and currently in office as Director):
To build a framework plan must be accompanied by a picture of the needs of staff, the CDA has no commitment to requirements of the structure ..
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Openkore Doctor To Ragnarok
The government has the confidence
Democracy exists where there is none so rich to buy another and none so poor to be supplied.
Democracy exists where there is none so rich to buy another and none so poor to be supplied.
Jean Jacques Rousseau
(but here if you sell and if they buy Although everyone already rich)
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Has Anyone Received Their Refund Earli
CDA + Commissions (Joint Budget, Budget, Personnel)
During the joint Senate Budget Committee and Board have been aware of the fact that next year tuition fees will increase by € 1 million, the usual "adjusted for inflation 'of the 1%, of which we have already discussed above. We care to make arrangements with the Managing Director to understand in more detail how you intend to act on the front student contribution over the next year.
During the next CDA instead we managed to get through the 'ancient art of "bargaining in the Moroccan" that this year there are substantial reductions Erasmus grants for our students abroad, but rather a big jump from the budget of 500 € standard in most every student erasmus ISEEU-end value with less than 18,000 euro .. Dear all, Merry Christmas from SU! ;-)
The Commission Staff that promises fiery because of the participation of new members in the Council elected from among the ranks of the administrative staff has seen the intervention of Professor Russell and Professor Di Giulio
"[we understand the needs of the University Counsellors] we need a general plan, because now the Administration is doing a great appreciation of our staff in a positive way contracted through the steps for an indefinite period, a full-time and higher categories, but doing so does not change the balance between the structures, some of them having over-abundance of certain professionals who are missing somewhere else instead. "
and then the Managing Director:
"The criteria are still marked by the Administration to support the renewal deadline and staff in the inclusion of that in reserve, keeping a few points for any other staff, up to now have always granted by the passage time partial full-time, but it involves a certain imbalance currently not listed in the Framework plan.
The Budget Committee then gave us moments of terror and panic in the 2011 Budget Report to have found quite by chance a noticina that concerns us:
Fund for Cultural Activities and Social rose from € 170,000 to € 100,000!
Not having had time to prepare for this real surprise pre-Christmas (after I explain why), we tried to defend ourselves, getting that this year provided € 100,000 to be added to the surplus of the announcement last year (around 70,000 € ), resulting in a total of € 170,000.
During the Budget Commission the same prof. Ragusa and Simon have requested information on the allocation of PUR (funding research of our University) in 2010 and 2011. The response of the offices was that since there is no certainty of funding for this Fund in 2011 and even for the current 2010, the search can not be financed as a lump sum, it is preferable not to make predictions about the existence and future of this fund .
Summing June to 2 conclusions: 1
- This year we have not got to cut the Fund for Social and Cultural Activities and the increase Erasmus grants, next year we know nothing , because if the cuts Tremonti decided two years ago, like the sword of Damocles hanging over our heads should not be reinstated as the last two years, we would be on the verge failure, in the same boat along with many other universities, and we should not do without the accessory but essential. Also if you were to move the Reformation certainly change many things.
2 - For direct admission of the Rector of the Board of Directors is not aware of everything that is decided by the Administration, the latter preferring to avoid disclosing the technical documents it produces, not having the security that in this respect is maintained the necessary restraint. This is the explanation of why many resolutions can not be read and analyze them with the right advance from ours.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Suction 2 Hook Basket Won't Stick To Bathtub
Because we students protest! By Henry
The bill on the University 'debate in the chamber
not assess the results
missing criteria evaluation of the merits acquired by the universities and the distribution of funds based on the results achieved
does not solve the problem of insecurity
A researcher will be precarious for 10 years with no prospect of being hired, do not fight the escape of brains abroad
not protect the managerial autonomy of universities
imposes a strong centralization against the Ministry of Economy and requires the presence of external members in decision-making. Disproportionately increases the power within the university Rectors
cuts to scholarships
are planned cut in '90% of the Fund for the Right to Education in 2012 and 2013
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
How To Make Homemade Cappuccino With Foam
Today we held our own garrison along with Dr. De Alessandri, and Carlo Giuseppe Civati \u200b\u200bMonguzzi under the Pirelli Tower.
The garrison, during which Dr. De Alessandri was chained showing signs prevaricating against the power of Communion and Liberation, was announced during the conference October 26 in State.
The links you may find some articles about the event this morning
The Republic Il Corriere della Sera Il Giornale ; Affairs Italian Blogosfere Wikinews
Today we held our own garrison along with Dr. De Alessandri, and Carlo Giuseppe Civati \u200b\u200bMonguzzi under the Pirelli Tower.
The garrison, during which Dr. De Alessandri was chained showing signs prevaricating against the power of Communion and Liberation, was announced during the conference October 26 in State.
The links you may find some articles about the event this morning
The Republic Il Corriere della Sera Il Giornale ; Affairs Italian Blogosfere Wikinews
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Pedestal Sink And The Pipes
The video conference on the power of CL in Lombardy
The second part of Dr. intervention. Enrico De Alessandri.
The first part and conclusion of the intervention of Charles Monguzzi
L ' intervention Joseph Civati.
The first part of the intervention David Carlucci and conclusion.
L 'intervention Angelo Turkish (Left Universitaria)
L 'intervention Angelo Turkish (Left Universitaria)
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Change Internal Fan Speed
Editorial Prorector Casati funding

Published on unimi portal.
anticipate the editorial signed by the pro-rector Dario Casati, which opens the issue of "University System" out these days, and that concerns the provision in the current context of uncertainty, the budget for 2011.
Like every year, this time setting the budget for the next one, that 2011, which, according to the operation of summer 2008, should lead to cuts Fund financing of the universities (FFO) completely unsustainable .
It is to be certain that the situation, therefore, will not be so catastrophic, and that a recovery will be. But you can not predict what entities, if such as to talk of danger escaped, or if the amount is still too limited to avoid causing heavy consequences on the lives of universities, including ours. Under these conditions
the dilemma that arises is whether or not to proceed the performance of the institutional budget , which is struggling to be a planning tool, to safeguard the objective of enabling the full swing by January 1 of the institutional activities.
at this time, moreover, do not even know the extent of our expertise on assignments Loan Fund inclusive of the 2010 Ordinary share the same (equal to 10% this year) linked to the performance of education and research . And what could amount to estimating the 2010 Fund, we would not be able to know if any of the drop (this happens is unavoidable) in 2011. In
last few days has been raised the possibility that the decree of the year (what once was called not too elegant "thousand extensions"), which will contain the redeployment University, can already be presented in November, also to ensure the funds needed for recovery and a successful conclusion of the process of reforming the House of the bill.
If you actually, a part of our uncertainties could be resolved.
Meanwhile, the bodies of the University could only begin to assess the main items of expenditure, since that is mandatory, the cost of teaching staff, technical and administrative with a forecast of 288 million, the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance to 15.6 million, utilities, cleaning, rental costs, compulsory insurance contracts of the library system, taxes and payments of "cuts" to the State for 33.4 million, depreciation and capital return for 10 million. For a total of 347 million.
But to allow the operation of the University, even at the level of mere survival, other 28.2 million are to be considered for credit facilities, contracts and other staff costs, interim adjustments of buildings, provision of departments, faculties, centers service and library and interventions for students. The amount
of the main items of expenditure required to reach over 375 million euro.
But in the face of such income? And, above all, what revenue under the FFO?
The amount was 292 million in 2009. In 2010 could be around 280-285. Assumptions for 2011 range from a minimum of 239 million, if the cuts were to be maintained, more optimistic and metrics, linked to the level of recoveries. Assuming that it is not possible or a full recovery or, conversely, the cut planned by current law, spending must be graduated according to priorities identified only partially ex-ante and, therefore, start with criteria a prudent precaution operation waiting for data, and rules and more reliable.
This results more or less dramatic scenarios, which really only becomes viable thanks to the massive output from the service and the blockade of increases in salary, which greatly reduce the demand. What awaits us is likely to be in any case, in the absence of an effective recovery and revitalization of the system, another year of survival to a minimum, or so, it risks becoming the only possible goal .
For a university like ours, which in international rankings that count - Leiden, Taiwan, Shanghai - is the first in Italy and among the first in Europe for scientific research, situation is depressing, because it allows us to plan and invest in our future and the future of young people in training with us.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
How Much Does Senior Week Cost
Scholarships goodbye
We learn with dismay that the last Council of Ministers (14 October) approved a cutting fund to finance 89 scholarships, 55% (246,000,000 to 25.7000000 in € for 2010-2011, and a further decline to 12 million by 2012).
So from now on an audience of 184,034 beneficiaries, 80 percent not take the thousand, sometimes two thousand euro (you decide for regional tenders) which are often a necessity for students who receive them. The situation
starting in 2008 was already in itself embarrassing, because the total expenditure for the right to study corresponded to approximately € 481,191,642 one-third of Germany and France amounted to € 1.4 billion , while the number of recipients of scholarships in Italy in 2008 was 151,760 units, in France 525,000 and Germany 510,000. To date, France and Germany, are able to 'cover' with scholarships, respectively 23.8% and 25.5% of students enrolled in a university course.
In this context we can not become indignant at the continuing launch of pretentious and empty slogans ("Stop wasting", "war barons", etc.) by a Minister University completely dominated the ministry of Economy and unable to protect the most basic elements of student welfare.
So from now on an audience of 184,034 beneficiaries, 80 percent not take the thousand, sometimes two thousand euro (you decide for regional tenders) which are often a necessity for students who receive them. The situation
starting in 2008 was already in itself embarrassing, because the total expenditure for the right to study corresponded to approximately € 481,191,642 one-third of Germany and France amounted to € 1.4 billion , while the number of recipients of scholarships in Italy in 2008 was 151,760 units, in France 525,000 and Germany 510,000. To date, France and Germany, are able to 'cover' with scholarships, respectively 23.8% and 25.5% of students enrolled in a university course.
In this context we can not become indignant at the continuing launch of pretentious and empty slogans ("Stop wasting", "war barons", etc.) by a Minister University completely dominated the ministry of Economy and unable to protect the most basic elements of student welfare.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Where Is The Cervix 3 Days Before Period Is Due
"TECHNIQUE, TACTICS AND SCHEMES" - The punishment for Beckham Beckham
In this first study of the "techniques, tactics and Scheme, Woody teaches us how to kick a penalty on similar lines to those of David Beckham, international star and a great specialist of kicks during his previous experiences with Manchester United FC and Real Madrid CF. This closer A more will follow very interesting ...
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Snare Traps For Coyotes
always the richest. Cries Rooney, Capello has
LONDON (UK), October 7, 2010 - As usual David Beckham is the unreachable to lead the ranking of the richest players in England, as compiled annually by the magazine FourFourTwo. And now that the income of the sample to the Los Angeles Galaxy are out of reach for all his friends is shown by the gap that still exists between him and Michael Owen, good second: that is, 60 million pounds of difference. True, in the calculation of home Becks must also count Mrs. Victoria, which she also contributes to the family with her fashion line, the royalty of the Spice Girls and retrenchments (see the dismissal of 14 service people, scattered among the various houses), but there is no doubt that the £ 100 million counted David and Vic are always a good take, although 25 million less than last year.
As mentioned, the second, but first in the UK, here Owen that will ensure trouble finding space in the national team and Manchester United (Capello still does not consider it), but when you is passed to the collection with his "Owen Promotions" is certainly not the type to finish
on the bench, as the £ 40 million in the bank. The third step of the podium Rio Ferdinand, who in the field will also be ruined by injuries, but who out there knows how to do really when it comes to business (he has a six-figure contract with Nike, real estate scattered 'throughout, and 60% of music label).
THAN ROONEY '"POOR" - In the fourth position Sol Campbell Newcastle breaking the hegemony of the Red Devils and returns the list with 31 million between contract and sponsorship property, while still with the Fourth United Ryan Giggs, who, on the threshold of 850 games with the historic shirt, takes home 27 million pounds. But the real surprise is in sixth place, overwhelmed Jenny from the cyclone that threatened to shatter marriage, career, and various contracts, is rolled Wayne Rooney that, compared with a year ago, it loses the beauty of 12 million pounds, from 37 to 25. Three less ended up in the coffers of Steven Gerrard and Frank Lampard , matched to the seventh place with 22 million, while John Terry them following close behind with 19. The only "new face" of the top ten is that of Patrick Vieira, risbarcato in January in the Premier League to follow his friend Roberto Mancini to Manchester City, who puts away 18 million.
THE HAIR TECHNICIAN PIU 'RICCO - Dando, however, look at the bench Scrooge resists the hegemony of Fabio Capello, who has a fortune estimated at 36 million pounds . Only the third Sir Alex Ferguson with 22, among them Roy Keane of Ipswich with 28, while Carlo Ancelotti worth 21 and 17 Arsene Wenger. Two friends in sixth place, it is Mancini and Sven Goran Eriksson, who takes an estimated 15 million pounds, while Ole Gunnar Solskjær curiosity about, or the coach of Manchester United's reserves, which puts millions of well-off 10. And they say do not pay the deputy. ...
Lab 8 Hardy Weinberg Problem Answers
Italy, 4-3-3 with Borriello. Prandelli: We need 3 points
COVERCIANO, October 7 - The Romanist Borriello in the attacking trio of the grid 4-3-3 together with Cassano and Pepe. coach the national team of football, Cesare Prandelli, 11, announced that tomorrow night in Belfast, Northern Ireland face qualifiers for the 2012 European Championship. Viviano also in the starting lineup and Mauri.
ITALY (4-3-3): Viviano, Cassani, Bonucci, Chiellini, Criscito, De Rossi, Pirlo, Mauri, Pepe, Borriello, Cassano.
PRANDELLI "SEVONO THREE POINTS" - The 4-3-3 with striker Borriello and the absolute need of a victory . So Cesare Prandelli has Northern Ireland-Italy, the first two commitments of October in blue Euro 2012 qualification, that the coach does not
hesitate to call 'decisive' . "I increasingly convinced that a victory has to be found through the game. But this time the three points are a little earlier - Prandelli said just hours before the departure to Belfast - losing two to one with Ireland and told that he had a good game, yes it would be a problem. " Prandelli said the decision to persevere despite the lack of 4-3-3 on the outer tips (or the absence of Balotelli), and had postponed for another time the alternative of Cassano behind two center-forward. "But the choices for today I have not taken account of what I will do Tuesday in Genoa against Serbia - said the coach - the primary objective remains the three points tomorrow with Ireland."
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Canadian Can Slippers
The squad Prandelli
fall four blues, Criscito defenders Zambrotta and the midfielder Mauri striker Borriello in the group of 23 players convened today by Coach Cesare Prandelli for the double commitment European qualifying against Northern Ireland and Serbia. The National , who currently leads Group C with maximum points thanks to two consecutive victories obtained against Estonia in September (2-1) and Faroe Islands (5-0) will play the first game against Northern Ireland Belfast Friday 8 and the second in Genoa against Serbia on Tuesday, 12. The Azzurri will meet tomorrow before 12.30 pm in Coverciano, where in the afternoon, at 16.30, start preparing. Tuesday and Wednesday two work sessions per day, while on Thursday, after the morning workout, Italy will leave for Belfast.
Here is the list of players called:
Goalkeepers: Viviano (Bologna), Sirigu ( Palermo), Mirante (Parma);
Defenders: Cassani (Palermo), Chiellini (Juventus), Bonucci (Juventus), Criscito (Genoa), Zambrotta (Milan), Gastaldello (Sampdoria), Bovo ( Palermo), Antonelli (Parma);
Midfielders: Andrea Pirlo (Milan), De Rossi (Roma), Palombo (Sampdoria), Lazzari (Cagliari), Marchisio (Juventus), Mauri (Lazio ), Pepe (Juventus);
Forwards: Borriello (Roma), Cassano (Sampdoria), Gilardino (Fiorentina), Pazzini (Sampdoria), Rossi (Villarreal).
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