Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How Much Does Senior Week Cost

Scholarships goodbye

We learn with dismay that the last Council of Ministers (14 October) approved a cutting fund to finance 89 scholarships, 55% (246,000,000 to 25.7000000 in € for 2010-2011, and a further decline to 12 million by 2012).
So from now on an audience of 184,034 beneficiaries, 80 percent not take the thousand, sometimes two thousand euro (you decide for regional tenders) which are often a necessity for students who receive them. The situation
starting in 2008 was already in itself embarrassing, because the total expenditure for the right to study corresponded to approximately € 481,191,642 one-third of Germany and France amounted to € 1.4 billion , while the number of recipients of scholarships in Italy in 2008 was 151,760 units, in France 525,000 and Germany 510,000. To date, France and Germany, are able to 'cover' with scholarships, respectively 23.8% and 25.5% of students enrolled in a university course.
In this context we can not become indignant at the continuing launch of pretentious and empty slogans ("Stop wasting", "war barons", etc.) by a Minister University completely dominated the ministry of Economy and unable to protect the most basic elements of student welfare.


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