extensions from which they hoped to gain some funding for now but does not provide the Ministry is working, but in any case, with the new denominations will be necessary to review the various items of expenditure, with current funds, we must revise Total places for eligible, but all these things have to be assessed with a little 'time.
Always the reform provides for new regulations for teaching qualifications, which are planned for late 2011/2012, and finally they decide to short names for the national ANVUR Agency (research evaluation). After that, we entered into the heart of the debate, because the second agenda items should decide to set up and the criteria for election of a Commission for the rewrite of the Regulations. The statute is a regulation unit, which must be approved by the reform. We will have two students elected by the Conference of Students. The committee consists of 15 persons, two students, the rector and the other 13. On these great debate! 6 names will be elected by the Senate, 6 by the Board. But the chancellor has included protection for researchers and members, ensuring that these categories had a rappresenante head. Pandemonium! We talked an hour and a half on the proposal of researchers, who have asked us to support and we argued, to raise this threshold to bring at least two two. The Chancellor said that he did not want it to be most common, as are all other organisms. Researchers and associates beyond the protection of the category they wanted was the most appreciated young university that will be the one with the statute will live with it. The various principals and ordinary conversation were of two types: a non riconocersi in class, but in the faculty, and others insisting that we should not vote for the person class, but beyond that it was associated with an ordinary researcher.
The researchers were skeptical that they vote the ordinary other than its own category, in any event after one hour and a half of debate, you go to vote and ... passed with 23 votes in favor and 7 abstentions! researchers have devoted the most combative. I proposed to abstain because, although not favorable, as the researchers themselves in the end they voted strangely, it seemed more consistent on our part, abandoned the warlike intentions, however, indicate our discomfort. The other points are
yarn straight away, with a little 'jokes and Regulation antimobbing controversy about the University, brand new, that between bullying considered also include the sexual harassment but it is rightly pointed out that these are another type of crime ...
Peter Virtue
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