Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Hotdog Waffle Maker Recept

Jacob Levi Moreno
Pages: 168 - Price: € 12.00
Di Renzo Editore
Jacob Levi Moreno is a leading figure in modern psychology and psychiatry. It is to him the invention of sociometry and psychodrama, group therapy based on the meeting the public, the catharsis, the action and the look. The poster
Invitation to a meeting of 1914, the foundation of improvised theater and Living Newspaper, Moreno breaches the barrier between audience and stage in the same period of Theater in the theater of Pirandello and invites viewers to emerge from anonymity and solitude to represent the public in their reality social and individual.
Proposals animation Moreno, born in Vienna at the beginning of the century in response to Freudian psychoanalysis, have been transplanted in America where they have profoundly influenced the technique of other schools, from the systemic-relational therapy Gestalt , from theater-to psychoanalysis of children and adolescents.
This autobiography is not only the novel of psychodrama, but the diary of a scientist and poet extraordinarily sincere showing new aspects of Central European culture between the wars.
The vitality of psychodrama has gone through a full century of psychological research and is now projected into the future world of entertainment, school and interpersonal communication.


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