Saturday, December 11, 2010

Has Anyone Received Their Refund Earli

CDA + Commissions (Joint Budget, Budget, Personnel)

During the joint Senate Budget Committee and Board have been aware of the fact that next year tuition fees will increase by € 1 million, the usual "adjusted for inflation 'of the 1%, of which we have already discussed above. We care to make arrangements with the Managing Director to understand in more detail how you intend to act on the front student contribution over the next year.
During the next CDA instead we managed to get through the 'ancient art of "bargaining in the Moroccan" that this year there are substantial reductions Erasmus grants for our students abroad, but rather a big jump from the budget of 500 € standard in most every student erasmus ISEEU-end value with less than 18,000 euro .. Dear all, Merry Christmas from SU! ;-)
The Commission Staff that promises fiery because of the participation of new members in the Council elected from among the ranks of the administrative staff has seen the intervention of Professor Russell and Professor Di Giulio
"[we understand the needs of the University Counsellors] we need a general plan, because now the Administration is doing a great appreciation of our staff in a positive way contracted through the steps for an indefinite period, a full-time and higher categories, but doing so does not change the balance between the structures, some of them having over-abundance of certain professionals who are missing somewhere else instead. "
and then the Managing Director:
"The criteria are still marked by the Administration to support the renewal deadline and staff in the inclusion of that in reserve, keeping a few points for any other staff, up to now have always granted by the passage time partial full-time, but it involves a certain imbalance currently not listed in the Framework plan.
The Budget Committee then gave us moments of terror and panic in the 2011 Budget Report to have found quite by chance a noticina that concerns us:
Fund for Cultural Activities and Social rose from € 170,000 to € 100,000!
Not having had time to prepare for this real surprise pre-Christmas (after I explain why), we tried to defend ourselves, getting that this year provided € 100,000 to be added to the surplus of the announcement last year (around 70,000 € ), resulting in a total of € 170,000.
During the Budget Commission the same prof. Ragusa and Simon have requested information on the allocation of PUR (funding research of our University) in 2010 and 2011. The response of the offices was that since there is no certainty of funding for this Fund in 2011 and even for the current 2010, the search can not be financed as a lump sum, it is preferable not to make predictions about the existence and future of this fund .

Summing June to 2 conclusions: 1
- This year we have not got to cut the Fund for Social and Cultural Activities and the increase Erasmus grants, next year we know nothing , because if the cuts Tremonti decided two years ago, like the sword of Damocles hanging over our heads should not be reinstated as the last two years, we would be on the verge failure, in the same boat along with many other universities, and we should not do without the accessory but essential. Also if you were to move the Reformation certainly change many things.
2 - For direct admission of the Rector of the Board of Directors is not aware of everything that is decided by the Administration, the latter preferring to avoid disclosing the technical documents it produces, not having the security that in this respect is maintained the necessary restraint. This is the explanation of why many resolutions can not be read and analyze them with the right advance from ours.


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